Monday, June 11, 2018

Punk Rock Art Photo: "Punk Sandwich (Exhibit A/B)"

<"Punk Sandwich (Exhibit A)"
Photo: The Reckoner
Sandwich: The Squawker>

This weekend, The Squawker and I celebrated the arrival of our first kitchen table in 20-odd years of urban/small town living, and all the ups and downs that go with it. We got it free last Friday at a mission about 10 miles and 20 minutes south of our apartment complex. I think Squawker found it via the usual diligent online searching, but what a find it made -- as their policy is to put out whatever furniture that they don't expect to sell, right in front of their warehouse, for free. First come, first served, no questions asked, and all that.

So that's the brown surface you're seeing in the above photo. Time will tell if you see more of it, but at any rate, it'll make a wonderful addition, one that'll likely see many a dinner, and many an artwork, plonked down on it. As soon as as I screwed on the bottom component -- from the legs flowed -- bam! We were in business, all right.

Today's art photo reflects a different kind of diversion, one that came together hurriedly, as Squawker and I began fussing with our daily afternoon ritual: what are we gonna have for lunch

The title came to me as soon as i picked up my plate: "Punk Sandwich," because of all the ingredients weren't in the right place.

"Hey, I was tired, and hungry," Squawker laughed. "I couldn't wait for any longer. So I just slapped it together."

"No problem," I said. "I can make do." Spirit of CBGB's, and The Roxy circa '77, right? 

Make it happen. No matter what. One shot, that's all yet get. Sure, you're always under the gun. So what? Take your chance, and make it count. Take no prisoners. That's the game: no exceptions, no excuses.

So there you have it: "Punk Sandwich." Feel free to try this at home. or on the road. Oh, and -- don't forget to kick-start the immortal Ramones-ish countoff in your head: 


Oh, uh...and...bon appetit! --The Reckoner

<"Punk Sandwich (Exhibit B)"
Photo: The Reckoner
Sandwich: The Squawker>

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