Sunday, June 3, 2018

Punk Rock Art Photo: "Ghost Handprint On TV"

<"Ghost Handprint On TV">
<The Squawker>

<Click on the above image, 
to get the full effect!>

Sunday afternoon: The Squawker and I have just come back from the beach, and a little drive around town, taking shots of whatever suits our fancy. We've just come home, when Squawker frowns, and puts down the camera.

"What's the matter?" I ask. "Is the lens stuck, or something?"

"No. Look at the TV."

"Huh?" I shoot a glance over at the TV set. "Oh, wait, you mean..."

"Yeah. There's a handprint there. Did you put your hand there?"

"Hell, I don't know," I shrug. "Maybe. It's not the kind of thing I'd remember, if I did..."

"Just put your hand there, and see if it matches."

I duly walk over, and compare my right hand against the print. "Kind of matches, I guess. Satisfied?"

"Yeah." Squawker sighs, as only Squawker can. "I just want to make sure nobody's coming in here while we're gone."

"Fair enough."

Note to Casper, and all his white-sheeted friends: next time, leave a better calling card. Or, at least...more definitive proof of your existence. --The Reckoner

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