Sunday, April 29, 2018

Punk Rock Art Corner: "Away From The Numbers" (Word Clouds #1-6)

<"I was sick and tired 
of my little niche

Was gonna break away 

and find where life is...">

<"And all those fools 
I thought were my friends

(Coaching is easy)

They now stare at me 
and don't see a thing
(Reality's so hot hard)...">

<"Till their life is over 
and they start to moan

How they never had the chance 

to make good...">

<"Then I saw that I was really the same
So this link's
 breaking away from the chain..">

<Away from the numbers
Away from the numbers
is where I'm gonna be
is reality...>

<Reality's so hot hard, 
reality's so hot hard, reality's so hard...>

///Words: Paul Weller\\\
///Images: The Reckoner\\\

"In The City harbored one true masterpiece. From its opening power chords, the claustrophobic 'Away From The Numbers' was compelling.

"Too much could be made of lines, 'I'm gonna break away and find what life is'...but there does seem to be a grim determination to look beyond existing boundaries, onwards and upwards, away from the 'numbers,' Sixties Mod slang for the throng."

<John Reed: 
Paul Weller: My-Ever Changing Moods
Omnibus Press, 1996>

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