Wednesday, October 16, 2024

One Picture, 1,000 Words: The Latest Campaign Mailers (Take I)


It's no surprise that lately, I've been hearing people saying, "I'm so f#cking sick and tired of living through historic events." No surprises there, as we either sleepwalk towards disaster, or prepare to snatch America back from the kudzu weed grip of MAGA Inc., depending on which forecast you're reading at the moment.

Which is why, in that same spirit, we're posting whatever distinctive campaign mailers land on our doormat -- precisely because of their soon-to-be historical nature. I mean, let's face it -- campaign literature is some of the planet's most disposable reading material, something meant to be skimmed quickly on the bus ride home, or the toilet, then forgotten. 

But that doesn't mean it lacks interest, especially when you consider what the particular piece of literature is trying to accomplish, which is why we led with the above image. The artist obviously went to great lengths to make Trump look as cartoonish, yet menacingly over the top, as he does here. 

It's the same tactic as you'll see on Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update" segment -- pick the most unflattering photo you can find of the subject whose piss you're taking, and run with it. What follows below is a fair sampling of the snapshots that darken our doorstep, as it were, with relevant commentary, wherever it applies. Let the games begin, as they say. --The Reckoner


Flyer for the Michigan Supreme Court race, pitting the Democratic Party's nominees (above) against Republicans Andrew Fink -- who joined a local "Stop The Steal" protest on that infamous day, January 6th (2021), among other career lowlights -- and Branch County Circuit Judge Patrick O'Grady, who vows to follow a hardline textualist, originalist slant toward the law, in keeping with someone who views Clarence Thomas as an "incredible man."

For a quick rundown of his lowlights, click here, since we won't have a link section this time around:

We've all seen this movie before, though, right? As John Roberts studiously reminded his Senate questioners, on getting his promotion to the US Supreme Court -- just the facts, ma'am. Just an umpire who calls balls and strikes, if I recall his wording correctly.

We know what that means in practice: the umpire who only calls balls and strikes for what the Republican Party's wingnut faction wants crammed down our throats. And we all know how that movie ends, as well.


<State Rep. Joey Andrews (D-St. Joseph),
taking his Republican opponent to task...>


<Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris
takes aim at Trump's links 
to one of the far right's most notorious passion projects...>


<More greatest hits from Project 2025, which may well become the gift that just keeps on giving -- and giving -- and giving...>

<Yes, a gift that keeps on giving...and giving...>

<...And giving! Peace out:
We'll see what else the mailman drops.>


  1. much the same as the UK we did an election and ended up with the same corporate slaves with different coloured ties

    1. Yes, they do have a way of seemingly awfully interchangeable, don't they? Here, it's a sea of (mostly) old white dudes in red ties and blue suits, with the white starched shirts peeking through underneath -- funnily enough, the same colors as the American flag! Hmm, seems like there's a hidden moral in there, if you care to look -- thanks for writing. --The Reckoner
