I mean Dick Durbin, Illinois's senior US Senator, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose responses to the Supreme Court's recently-dropped bombshell -- the now-infamous draft opinion that Roe v. Wade is dead, because it's not mentioned in the Constitution, meaning, we only have the rights they deign to grant us -- rank among the stupidest and most jaw-dropping.
Pelosi's faux pas came first, during the Aspen Climate Ideas Conference, on May 9, in Miami (the same city where they're starting to openly fret about sea level rise). Asked what it would take to move the Senate on climate legislation, with Republicans ruling out such measures, Madam Pelosi opined:
"Well, we have to defeat them, so let's just try to persuade them. I want the Republican party to take back the party, take it back to where you were when you cared about a woman's right to choose, you cared about the environment. Hey, here I am, Nancy Pelosi, saying this country needs a strong Republican Party, and we do, not a cult, but a strong Republican Party."
When I read this, I rolled my eyes, and sighed aloud: "Nance, not to be mean, but the GOP seems quite robust nationally. Six of the nine Justices essentially carry their water at the Supreme Court. They control 26 state delegations, thanks to varying combinations of gerrymandering, and pushing their voters' darkest, most primal buttons.
"Oh, yeah, and while we're at it, let's not forget that January 6 insurrection thing, for which our Attorney General, Merrick Garland, is spending endless amounts of time prosecuting the little guy who swipes a coat rack from the Senate cloakroom, yet so far, has left Trump and his inner circle of planners -- including the infamous lawyer, John Eastman, and far right Congressmen and women, like Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, and Marjorie Taylor Greene -- blissfully untouched."
This is the same Republican Party that's working overtime to subvert democracy, however and wherever they can -- from running conspiracist-minded candidates to seize control of the electoral machinery, to the increasingly authoritarian bent that states like Florida and Texas are taking, to suppress the vote, or take total control of it, even when the results say otherwise. To put it charitably, they've never looked less persuadable.
Judging by what I'm seeing on the Hill's Twitter thread, the suggestion isn't going down well: "So the guy who said we can't "bully" the Supreme Court to act a certain way is married to the woman who bullied Arizona lawmakers to fabricate a different set of electors and helped organize a mob to bully Congress into not certifying the duly chosen electors? Got it." (Tristan Snell)
Or we might go this response, from MeidasTouch.com: "Republicans are holding major events with Kyle Rittenhouse and Viktor Orban. Spare us the BS that it's the Democrats who have gotten too extreme." Suffice to say, Madam Pelosi's room reading skills have atrophied a tad, now that she's sat on top for so, so, so long. Godfather III-era Michael Corleone would know the feeling well, I'm sure.
Sadly, you can also count Durbin, the party's second-ranking Democrat, among those leaders unable to meet the moment, as he made all too clear, when asked how he viewed the protests that immediately surfaced outside the five most authoritarian-leaning Justices' homes:
"I think it's reprehensible. Stay away from homes and families of elected officials and members of the court. You can express yourself, exercise your First Amendment, but to go after them at their homes, to do anything of a threatening nature, certainly anything violent, is absolutely reprehensible."
Once again, I found myself asking:
“Are you
f#cking kidding me?”
First, nobody has been violent to any of the five reactionary Justices, judging from the clips I've seen of their activities, anyway. Hell, nobody's even said so much as "Boo!" Considering the unhinged authoritarian bent of the draft opinion, it's not hard to understand why it's freaking people out. As almost every mainstream legal scholar has already noted, the draft opinion comes across as though the Fourteenth Amendment had never happened.
If Roe can be struck be down, on the basis that no constitutional right to privacy exists, what does that reasoning bode for other rights -- ranging from contraception access, to interracial marriage, gay marriage, and so on -- that were granted on similar grounds? Nothing good, let's put that way.
People have every reason to be alarmed, and honestly, if our chief concern is that Alito, and his equally tawdry, unsavory crew -- Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorusch, Brett Kavanagh, and Clarence Thomas -- aren't able to go about their repressive business blissfully undisturbed, then we've gone a lot farther off the rails than I could ever imagined.
To put it another way, they should have to face their handiwork, starting with those that they're angering. They should have to account for what they're contemplating. They should have to answer for the harm that they're potentially getting ready to inflict on a majority of Americans who have consistently sworn, in poll after poll -- for as long as I can remember, going back 30-odd years or so -- that they don't want Roe overturned.
Honestly, who takes the ethically-challenged likes of Thomas seriously, and his solemn vow that the court won't be "bullied?" Really? I guess the bully privilege only extends to himself and his infamous blonde trophy wife, who worked hand in hand with those scheming to keep Trump in power, the 80 million who wanted him swept out of the White House be damned. Their votes, of course, didn't rank among the "legal votes" that the GOP's senior mummies stoutly vowed to see counted. That didn't matter to them, then or now.
In all fairness, though, I can't blame Thomas for a tad feeling confused, given the dynamic he's seen since his ascension to the court, in 1992 -- the Dick Durbins of the world falling into their role of playing good cop to the GOP's bad cop. It must unsettle Thomas, I'd imagine, to see the hornet's nest that has already stirred in response. But if he didn't see it coming, that makes him even denser than I imagine him. Or how he already imagines himself.
To climb the ladders
you've gotta suss out the snakes
Remember your height
remember to never look down.
you've gotta take your chance
<The Alarm, "Unsafe Building">